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Important Tips About Dental Sealants

To ensure you get the smile you deserve, always make sure to take care of any teeth that are damaged. Not only does this include tooth restorations to repair damaged or broken teeth, but it also includes practicing effective damage prevention techniques. One effective tooth restoration treatment that can be used to protect teeth is dental sealants, which come with the following benefits:

– Dental sealants are often invisible and clear to allow your natural teeth to be visible when the sealants are present.

– According to studies done by the Center for Disease Control, children with sealants are three times less likely to develop any forms of cavities on protected teeth.

– Dental sealants can be used for children as young as six years old, or whenever their first molars are visible.

– Dental sealants are known for their longevity, as a single dental sealant can effectively last for over a decade before it may need to be repaired or replaced.

– Although tooth enamel is highly effective for protecting your teeth, it can be easily worn down by dental erosion and harmful acids that otherwise would not penetrate dental sealants.

– Dental sealants have been proven to be extremely effective for preventing cavities and can decrease your risk of them by as much as 80%.

If you are seeking treatment with dental sealants, we are here to help you. For a thorough diagnosis and treatment, please contact Gateway Oaks Dental to set up an appointment with Dr. Hoang Truong and Dr. Asma Sajid at our dentist office in Sacramento, California by calling 916-649-0249.

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